shaving tips

Before we plunge into the discussion of how to use a shaving cream, it is important that you understand the types of shaving creams that are available. Two ...

Editor choice

Have you been stuck searching for the best organic shaving products for your shaving needs? Have you been hearing about the powerful benefits of using organic ...

One of the age-old questions facing men who shave is “Which is better: Electric shaver vs razor?” There is a debate in the men’s shaving community where many ...

Why is one blade better than five? The cartridge razor system is appealing to many men because it is advertised to be modern and high performing with ...

The debate goes on with people taking sides based on their experience of using safety razors or cartridge razors. We’ll have no debate here, but we’ll only ...

Do you know that most women love well-shaved men? And today we're going to talk about the straight razor. Let's go! Until the 1950s, the straight razor was ...

Beards are quite fascinating. Often people don’t realize the different types of meanings beards represent. The meanings of beards vary in different cultures, ...

Do you remember when you shaved for the first time? If you are like many of us, the first time was likely filled with questions and anxieties, wondering if you ...

If you want your face to be always as fresh and healthy as the Hollywood actor's, you'll have to stand in front of the mirror a little longer than usual. Here ...

Some men, especially dark-skinned, have a hair curling not only on their head but also on their neck and cheeks. Sometimes a hair curls that much it grows back ...

Let’s be clear. We are talking about manscaping with a manual safety razor and not a machine that makes up for your lack of dexterity or a steady hand. So, ...

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